Ria's Kitchen: UE5 · UNITY · hUbs sTUDIES

In: 2022

For: Personal Portfolio

I Was: 3D Generalist

I Did: Modeling, Texturing, shading, lighting, rigging, animation, and Game Engine Scene/Layout setup.

I Used: Maya, Zbrush, Marvelous Designer, Substance Painter, Marmoset Toolbag, Photoshop, Illustrator

Game Engine: Unreal Engine 5, Unity 2022, Mozilla Hubs

Welcome to Ria’s messy kitchen, where she spends most of her time. This south-facing, old but charming little kitchen is both her and her cat Mr.Tiger’s favorite place in the apartment.

I am using this Kitchen scene as a playground to test my stylized real-time asset modeling skills and practice different game engines. I first used it to test Mozilla Hubs and then decided to give a little more face-lift and use it to test Unreal Engine 5 and Lumen Rendering Engine. While it is a little too early to use in a production setting fully, it is pretty impressive how much you can do without baking even single lightmaps.

For Unity,I focused on familiarizing the XR set up and the Universal Render Pipeline. It has been awhile since I worked in Unity, so this was an excellent opportunity to get back into the Unity XR echo system. I was very impressed with how easy it became to set up XR system in Unity and the new scriptable shader setup.


Real-Time Recording From UE5

Closeup Renders

Unreal Engine 5 - Lumen Rendering Setup

Unity 2022 (VR SETUP)

Real-Time Recording from Quest 2

Closeup Renders

Unity 2022 - Universal Rendering Pipeline for VR


Hubs Experience

Please click the button below to launch the real-time version of the Mozilla Hubs experience. This experience contains the earlier version of this kitchen, so some of the assets shown in the UE5 version are not included.

The Hubs experience is a cross-platform experience, and you can launch it from any platform, including Windows, Android, Mac OS, iOS, and Web Browsers within VR headsets like Quest 1/2.

Hubs Experience - Video

If your browser don’t support the embedded Hubs viewer, you can watch the recorded version of the experience below.


Modeling/Look Development

I made most of the 3D models in the Kitchen scene but used few of high poly models from Substance 3D website to fill up the space. I still made all of the low poly models and PBR textures in the scene.